Granting of immigration permit to third country nationals under certain income criteria and the expedite procedure for applicants who acquire residence in Cyprus for private use
This document provides information on the process which must be followed by third country nationals who wish to acquire immigration permit in Cyprus. It focuses specifically on applicants on Category “F” of the Regulation 5 of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations and the Government’s policy which provides favorable treatment, on applications of Category F, for third country nationals who purchase private residence in Cyprus the value of which is equal to or above the amount of €300000.
1. What is the immigration permit?
The immigration permit is equivalent to a permanent residence permit in Cyprus and its holders are exempted from the time-consuming immigration formalities required from other categories of third country nationals arriving in Cyprus (eg consular visa, residence permit renewals, re-entry permits, etc.). Category F, according to the Regulation 5 (f) of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations of 1972 to 2004, concerns third country nationals who de jure have to their full and free disposal, a secured annual income of adequate amount, not earned from employment or self-employment in Cyprus but earned abroad.
1. What is stated on Category F of the regulation 5 of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations?
Category F states that: “Persons who possess and have fully and freely at their disposal a secured annual income, high enough to give them a decent living in Cyprus, without having to engage in any business, trade or profession. The annual income required should be at least €9568, 17 for a single applicant and moreover at least €4613,22 for every dependent person, but the Immigration Control Board may demand additional amounts as necessary. Most applicants come under this Category, the majority of them being pensioners or retired persons.”
2. Who can apply for immigration permit, under Category F?
Persons who satisfied the above conditions might apply for immigration permit.
3. What documents are required for the said application?
Apart from the relevant application form, known as M67, which is available for download at the Ministry of Interior website: http://moi.gov.cy/, the applicant must submit the following documents:
1. Copy of valid passport
2. Copy of valid temporary residence permit (if the applicant resides in Cyprus)
3. C.V (including academic qualifications)
4. Bank Accounts Statements in Cyprus and abroad (original)
5. Income declaration from sources other than employment (original documents and affidavit)
6. Title of ownership or rental agreement (original or true copy). If the title of ownership has not been obtained yet, the applicant must submit the deed of sale and proof of payment.
7. Health Insurance Policy (if the applicant resides in Cyprus)
8. Criminal Record Certificate (if the applicant resides abroad, official translation duly validated from his country)
Please be advised that the Ministry reserves the right to request additional documents at its discretion
February 2012